Sunday, April 09, 2006

SUPodcast001 - our first f***ing podcast

I've been trying to educate myself a little bit on RSS and feeds in general. It's a bit of a headache. As a bit of an experiment, I've syndicated my feed through FeedBurner, and as such you can now subscribe to the Suit Up! podcast through iTunes. As I said before, this is just an experiment at present, so don't take this as permanent in any way. For the purposes of this experiment, I have uploaded the podcast file to my ISP's paltry 10MB WebSpace allocation. I'll find something better soon. As a result, though, you can now download the mp3 from a direct file location, as opposed to clicking on a link on the MAPS website.

Note also our shiny new feed icon ( ). I might make it a different colour at a later date.

So, in the words of Tobias Fünke, "Let the great experiment begin!"

Download the first "Suit Up!" podcast (again)


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